It's so sad that there are so many people who are caught in the web of not being legal. This applies to people who came here when they were children but their parents were not registered aliens. And so now they are here as adults and illegal, even though it wasn't their choice to be here.
A new law has now gone into effect that will allow nearly 2 million people under the age of 31 to have the opportunity to become LEGAL if they have a high school diploma. For many people, this is the key to getting a driver's license, social security card, and application for citizenship.
The Northeast GED Center is now registering a number of people with this problem so they can quickly get their GED and apply for legal status. If you know someone in this situation, you can have them call us and GET REGISTERED so they can GET LEGAL!
Hope is there for those who are smart enough to take advantage of it.
Our September morning, afternoon, and evening classes are gearing up, so give a call or visit us as soon as possible to register and save a seat. As of September, our prices are now $150.00, but that includes a $15.00 registration fee.
Seats are filling up super fast, so don't wait too long!
Bonnie Kaye, Director