Wednesday, February 22, 2012


To meet the number of people we can't fit into our morning class starting on February 29, we are starting a new class a week later on March 8. This class will be twice a week--on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 5 weeks. Each session will be 3 hours, from 9 a.m. to noon. Registration is filling up quickly, so if you're interested in joining that class, please call us now at 215-745-0141.

There has never been a better time to get your GED. Now that previews of the new test are starting to be revealed, trust me when I tell you that you don't want to wait for that change! ROUGH--AND TOUGH!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I always tell our students that back in the old days when I was growing up--namely in the 1960's--having a high school diploma wasn't nearly as important as having job skills. Since I was an expert typist, I was always able to find work. It was easy to lie about my education and age because we didn't have the technology that we have today. You could FAKE IT--and still MAKE IT!

Today it's a new world. Today it is much more difficult to tell the BIG "L" as I call it--LIE. Today it's much too easy to get caught. That's why getting a legitimate GED is essential.

GED is done differently everywhere you go. No two programs are the same. Sadly, many of the programs are way longer than they need to be. I know. I used to teach a program that was 90 hours long. When I started this new system, I said, "There has to be a better way." And there is--my 30-hour express program.

At the Northeast GED Center, we have developed our own book which teaches you what you need to learn to pass the test. Today people don't have time to sit in a classroom and learn a lot of information they don't need. That's why most of us left school--we were bored learning information that we wouldn't need, right?

I tell our students that when I went to high school, I learned the biggest lie of all. That's when I asked my teachers, "Why do we have to learn this?" Their answer was always, "Because some day you're going to need it." That was the big lie. Now, nearly 43 years later, I never had to cut upon a frog's brain, I never had to figure out why two lines would never end, and I don't address anyone with, "Romeo, Romeo, where forth are thou Romeo?" As I said, wasted information.

I made a study for the past 26 years on what is on the GED Test That's why we know exactly what to teach you in order to pass the test in only four weeks.

I'll be telling you more about us soon! Feel free to write to us and ask any questions or post them on this blog.
Northeast GED Center

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Welcome to our Northeast GED Center blog. The Northeast GED Center is located in Northeast Philadelphia. It is a unique program because it's fast, effective, and successful for most of the students who are part of our program.

This program is unique because it teaches students the skills needed to pass the GED Test in only 4 weeks or 4 weekends. During the week, students come to school three times a week for 4 weeks; on the weekends they come for 4 weekends on both Saturday and Sunday.

Our Center prepares students to pass the test over 30 hours. We also offer 8 extra weeks of math tutoring on Saturday mornings to all of our enrolled students.

In the upcoming weeks, we will answer some of the most asked questions by potentional or enrolled students. Please check back here often and frequently to get updates and information. We are here to see your success in life.